I’m Speaking at Lancashire Business Week…

As you can probably tell from the title of this post, I have been selected to speak at Lancashire Business Week.. I was both humbled and proud to have been asked to speak alongside many people who I admire and look up to because of the hard work they do within the county; therefore, it was something I was looking forward to immensely!
If you’re aware of Lancashire Business Week, I’m sure you’ll understand just how much of an honour this is; however, if you’re unfamiliar with what this week is, let me give you a brief overview.
Known as ‘Lancashire Day’, this once-a-year gathering celebrates the business community in Lancashire. In non-covid times, this celebration would take place on one night, with all speakers, participants and guests gathering together for an evening of business and celebration. However, due to the current circumstances, we find ourselves in, this wasn’t possible…but that didn’t stop the organisers! They were determined to have some form of celebration this year and decided to turn Lancashire Day into Lancashire Business Week – a series of online events based on five themes that both champion the county’s business success to date and to plan its future beyond covid.
Organised by Lancashire Business View, this unique celebration helps business people meet and network, showcase commitment to the county, remind them just how good Lancashire is for doing business, and be inspired by guest speakers (which includes yours truly!).
Here’s a break down of the itinerary for the week:
Monday – Opportunities and Challenges, featuring guest speakers such as Gail Hall, Julien Parven, and David Harland.
Tuesday – Jobs and Skills, featuring guest speakers such as Neil Burrows, Mo Isap, and Michele Lawty-Jones.
Wednesday – Wellbeing and Inclusivity, featuring guest speakers Louise Myers, Rob Binns, Sherry, Kothari, Dave Scholes, Kate Quinn, and of course me!
Thursday – Leadership and Change, featuring guest speakers such as Melissa Conlon, Ian Steel, and Iain Round.
Friday – Lancashire Business Day: Aspiration and Celebration, featuring guest speakers such as Dave Walker, Karen Buchanan, Stacey Turner, Steve Fogg, Tony Attard, and Annette Weeks.
It truly will be a week to remember and one not to be missed!
There can be no doubt that 2020 was an exceptionally challenging year for all. However, the people and business people of Lancashire showed true grit and innovation – something that certainly runs through its heritage.
For more information, head over to: https://www.lancashirebusinessview.co.uk/lancashire-business-events-calendar/lancashire-business-week-2020