Five Ways to Enhance Employee Wellbeing Both Inside and Outside of Work

There are no two ways about it; positive wellbeing is beneficial not only for employees but also for employers and companies too. Research indicates that employee wellbeing can have positive effects on motivation, work efficiency and productivity, and absenteeism to name but a few. Statistics released by the Centre for Mental Health show that mental health issues at work resulted in a loss of almost 35 billion in productivity last year – a sobering statistic indeed.
Creating a workplace culture that facilitates the promotion and development of positive wellbeing is a must; however, there are a plethora of mental and physical factors that must be considered when doing so; these include, but are not limited to overall mental health, job satisfaction, financial wellbeing, fitness levels, sleep and stresses both in and outside of work. Therefore, it can be challenging trying to piece together a plan of action that will work across and for a broad spectrum of issues that might be affecting the wellbeing of employees.
Although on the face of it it may seem a veritable minefield, there are several things you can do to cover as many bases as possible and provide the wellbeing support that your employees need. What are they? The following five things:
Mental Health Support
Where mental health is concerned, it is vital that employees receive adequate education and training, as this will not only provide workers to deal with any mental health issues they face but also reduce the stigma that is attached to it. How to achieve this? There are numerous ways to provide sufficient mental health support, but research has shown that just three minutes per day of mindfulness can have a positive impact on employee wellbeing. Furthermore, EAPs (Employee Assistance Programs) have been shown to be a vital tool for helping employees and their families to cope with occupational anxiety and stress.
Benefits To Promote Wellbeing
Offering benefits to employees is a proven way to promote wellbeing and positivity. This typically involves subsiding activities and areas of life which have a direct impact upon their very day mood and levels of wellbeing. Examples of which are gym memberships, health insurance, discounts on everyday shopping – anything that has the propensity to improve the mental and/or physical health of the employee.

Financial Support & Advice
One of the primary causes of stress and anxiety, in general, is money and a person’s financial situation; therefore, providing adequate support and advice in this area is paramount. This doesn’t just involve subsiding certain aspects of their lives (as mentioned above) but also provide guidance to help them plan the financial aspect of their life, such as helping them to budget, save money and use their money wisely.
Physical Health Initiatives
Presenteeism – the act of being present (in work) but not being 100% engaged – is an ever-growing concern for businesses because it is linked to both physical and mental health issues. According to figures released by the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development), the number of employees arriving at work ill is increased by more than 300%, with nigh-on 90% of employers experiencing this issue; therefore, the need to support physical health is greater than ever. Educating employees on the impact of nutrition, fitness and sleep on their work is advisable. Installing a ‘nap room’ has become popular in recent times too.
Instilling a Workplace Culture that Values Everyone
One aspect of wellbeing that is often overlooked is social wellbeing, which is primarily influenced by workplace culture and overall job satisfaction. One way to make positive changes with regard to social wellbeing is through recognition, i.e. encouraging managers and co-workers to be more aware of the efforts made by others and recognise this in some way, shape or form. Research carried out by GlassDoor indicated that over 80% of employees would work harder for a boss that shows their appreciation, with nearly 70% indicating they’d feel better about themselves and the work they were doing is they were thanked more frequently.
Enhancing Employee Wellbeing: A Summary
Let’s be honest; the wellbeing of employees is a tricky subject to tackle, the above information shows a multitude of initiatives that can be implemented to boost the morale, motivation and productivity of employees. Although there certainly isn’t a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach that will work for every company, the above advice (as well as other employee wellbeing-related information available in our blog) will help you to take steps in the right direction.